Academic Services » Academic Services

Academic Services

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  • Support for building and cohesively expanding Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
  • Focus on Math STEPS to support districtwide efforts to improve student outcomes.
  • Reading by third grade/Literacy for College and Career.
  • Ongoing support for multilingual students through services such as curriculum and EL counselors.
  • College and/or career support for TK-12 students.


Dr. Carola Castro head shot photo

Dr. Carola Castro

Assistant Superintendent of

Academic Services

Dr. Christine Balbuena head shot photo

Dr. Christine Balbuena

Director of

Elementary Curriculum & Professional Learning

Dr. Roshelle Chavez head shot photo

Dr. Roshelle Chavez

Director of

Special Education Local Plan Area


Dr. Eveline Huh head shot photo

Dr. Eveline Huh

Director of

Child Development & Special Programs

Mike Lawrence photo
Mike Lawrence
Director of
Information & Technology
Dr. Soco Verduzco head shot photo

Dr. Soco Verduzco

Director of

Pupil Support Services

Dr. Greg head shot photo

Dr. Greg Francois

Director of

Secondary Curriculum & Professional Learning




Sheila Loranger

Division Assistant

Phone (562) 926-5566 ext. 21126

FAX (562) 404-7921

Blaine Watson
Equity Officer
ext. 21184